Advocacy Tools
As Georgia’s leading arts advocacy organization it has been our goal to provide you with the best and most comprehensive tools to use in your work as an arts advocate. We believe we are stronger together; we will not exclude anyone who wants to be part of the necessary effort to increase arts funding and set favorable policy for the arts. We are therefore extremely proud to publish the revised and updated version of our ArtsGeorgia Official Arts Advocacy Handbook. ArtsGeorgia introduced Georgia’s first official advocacy handbook in 2013 with our publication of our ArtsGeorgia Official Arts Advocacy Handbook – 2013. The handbook was revised and updated with the publication of ArtsGeorgia Official Arts Advocacy Handbook – 2017. We have updated the cover to reflect a change in direction making it clear that the advocacy efforts we are planning will be part of the fight to protect the arts, increase state support for the arts and arts education, and to support policies that benefit our artists, arts administrators, arts educators, arts organizations and local arts agencies. This comprehensive resource is for your use today, tomorrow and for every opportunity you have to educate, inform and persuade your elected officials, your community leaders, government agency officials, business executives, funders, sponsors and your members that the arts are essential to Georgia’s economy for economic development, the creation of jobs, and that the arts have an undeniable intrinsic value for Georgia’s communities throughout the state.
Advocating for the ArtsTalking Points: Why Should Georgia Support the Arts? Talking Points: The Value of the State Arts Agency and Public Support Talking Points: Tips for Advocacy Meetings and Talking to Legislators Advocacy or Lobbying: Guidelines and Basics