Community Arts Policy
This section includes a collection of policy manuals and policy documents. These examples represent best practices, but any policy to be considered should be reviewed carefully to determine if it works for your organization. Those examples that might be appropriate should be adapted or revised specifically for use by your organization.
Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual
This example covers basic policy for administrative and office procedures for the daily operation of a local arts agency or nonprofit arts organization. It can be adapted to the specific staff and programs of the individual organization. This version includes policy for the operation of a gallery as most local arts agencies have an exhibition program for visual arts; your organization may want to adopt a version that is adapted for arts education services, after school programs, summer art camps, art classes or for performing arts programs.
Policy Manual 
Arts Agency Mail Policy FAQ
The adoption of a mail policy may seem out of date with so much business being conducted over the internet, but many important business decisions or communications related to the business of an arts agency are still mailed or received by mail everyday. Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions, an overview of issues related to the presumption of sending or receiving mail.
The better practice to avoid problems with the receipt, handling or internal distribution of mail or packages, or the handling of outgoing mail is the adoption of an Arts Agency Mail Policy.
Arts Agency Mail Policy FAQ 
Arts Agency Mail Policy 
Employee Handbook
This Employee Handbook template is for use by an arts agency to establish internal policy, rules and standards of conduct for staff and employees related to the governance and administration of a community arts agency. The provisions related to benefits, including insurance coverage, vacation, leave and holidays should be carefully reviewed and made applicable to the circumstances of your arts agency.
Employee Handbook 
Policy for Hiring Interns
This policy addresses the issues related to the employment of interns by a nonprofit arts agency with the ten rules for hiring interns and the Dept. of Labor’s six point criteria for a person to be considered an unpaid intern or student trainee. Interns whose work benefits your organization must be paid at least the minimum wage for the time they put in.
Policy for Hiring Interns 
Internet and E Mail Policy
This internal internet access and use policy template is for an arts agency to establish internal rules and standards for its staff and employees who conduct arts agency business through the agency website, or through email, social media or on the internet using the arts agency’s computers, personal smartphones or other electronic devices.
Internal Internet/Email Policy 
Public Statement Policy
This policy relates to the designation of the Executive Director or the Board Chair to make public statements. The reason for the policy is to safeguard the arts agency’s tax exempt status and to create a process for prior approval from the Board of Directors for any public statements that might be controversial in the local community.
Public Statement Policy 