Archive for the ‘All’ Category

First STEAM school in the country

Elkin City (North Carolina) Schools announced Monday that it will become the first school system in the state, and possibly in the nation, to become STEAM-focused. Read more: Elkin Tribune – Full STEAM ahead!! ArtsGeorgia advocates for the restoration of arts education programs, staff and funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts. Advocating “Strength […]

July 2, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Arts Ed

Art Teachers – Teaching Artists – Arts Educators

“Over the last few years, you’ve probably heard business leaders talking about the importance of STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—education. Now, with designers earning as much respect as coders, people are talking about STEAM, where the “A” stands for Art. Teachers’ requests on reflect this new emphasis on fostering creativity. From 2011-2012, art projects […]

June 28, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Arts Ed

Summer Arts: Keeping Cool

The quarterly issue of ArtsGeorgia’s “State of the Arts” newsletter for summer 2013 brings news and stories of the arts in Georgia. The summer issue is a collection of interesting articles with a cover highlighting Headwaters: Didja hear?, an award-winning story play presented in Sautee-Nachoochee; news of SMart, Inc. the ART Station’s award winning arts […]

June 21, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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Finding Artists: New NEA Data Search Tool….

Finding Artists: New NEA Data Search Tool…. First in a series of online Arts Data Profiles tallies artists at the state and metro levels, breaks out key demographic characteristics What do we know about the 2.1 million artists in the United States’ labor force? To help answer that question, the NEA today released “Equal Opportunity […]

June 11, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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The pARTnership Movement

The pARTnership Movement The pARTnership Movement is a campaign from Americans for the Arts designed to provide businesses and arts organizations with the resources they need to make meaningful collaborations—partnerships that not only support a healthy, creative, and artistic community, but that also give businesses a competitive advantage. Business Committee for the Arts Coordinator Patrick […]

June 4, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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The Importance of Arts Education: New Issue of NEA Arts Magazine

The Importance of Arts Education New Issue of NEA Arts Magazine – Engaged and Empowered Contents at link below. PDF version here: NEA Arts Magazine, Engaged and Empowered, 2013, Number 1 Whether it was making a pinch pot, performing in a play or dance recital, or singing in the choir, most of us can […]

June 3, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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Georgia Council Changes

Governor Deal signed House Bill 338. The most significant aspect of the legislation is the change in the total number of members. The Arts Council is reduced from 32 members and a chair – to 12 members – being 9 council members, 2 ex officio legislators, and a chair – all appointed by the Governor. […]

May 8, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All, Ga Council of the Arts

Arts Advocacy – Effective communication…..some good tips

Arts Advocacy – Effective communication…..some good tips. “Who, What and Why”. If you can come up with brief answers to these five questions, you are well on your way to coming up with a message that is short, clear, and convincing.

May 7, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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American Philanthropy Is Unrivaled

“It is a misconception that corporate or government support has ever provided the majority of arts funding… Individual donors give more to arts than corporations and government entities combined.” American Philanthropy Is Unrivaled – Room for Debate The real stars of arts giving are individual donors. By Beth Nathanson.

May 2, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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“State of the Arts” the new ArtsGeorgia newsletter

“State of the Arts” the new ArtsGeorgia newsletter features an article by Allen Bell – ‘Creative Industries & NonProfit Arts in Georgia’ – filled with facts, data and charts confirming the economic benefits of the arts plus a recommendation for arts advocates on how to turn the tide with public and private funders. Subscribe for […]

April 26, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  · Posted in: All, ArtsGeorgia