Archive for the ‘All’ Category

Arts Ed links!

A list of organizations with links to their websites, Facebook and Twitter social media for those interested in arts education, arts in education, arts ed advocacy, arts ed policy or teaching artist materials to explore and use. Visit often to discover resources for you, your programs, your schools or your organization. Here: ArtsGeorgia advocates […]

August 23, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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Arts Alert: Council Public Meeting Update – Record of Decline

Council Members met quarterly or 4 times a year until the 90% budget cuts when the meetings all but ceased. Record below. Georgia now ranks 50th In the Nation in Arts Spending. Council membership now cut by 70% from 34 to 9 members with 2 ex officio members. The only and last Council meeting in […]

August 17, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

Arts Council Public Meeting Update

December 5, 2012 was the last public meeting of the members of the Georgia Council for the Arts. The meeting lacked a quorum. There were only 6 members present. An announcement was made that “the statute enabling the Council was written some time ago and needs revision.” The legislation to restructure the Council was passed […]

August 3, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

ARTS ALERT: Cuts to NEA Will Set Federal Support of Arts Back 40 Years!

On July 31, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee began consideration of the FY 2014 funding bill that calls for a 49% cut to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). This would bring funding of the NEA down to $75 million, a level not seen since 1974! The NEA funds grants in every […]

August 2, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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ARTS ALERT: Play your Part – Help stop a 50% cut to the NEA!

Please take a few minutes to write to your Members of Congress today to urge them to support the NEA. Model letter, bullet points and electronic submission at AFTA Action Fund link below. ArtsGeorgia is a National CoSponsor of Arts Advocacy Day helping to shape legislative platforms and messages on Arts Advocacy. Advocating “Strength Through […]

July 24, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Advocacy, All, Americans for the Arts

Deadline Approaching for National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Art Works Grant.

Deadline Approaching for National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Art Works Grant. The next deadline for arts education Art Works grant applications is August 8, 2013 for school-based projects. Visit the Art Works: Arts Education guidelines on the NEA’s website for more information. Georgia students – smARTer than you think ArtsGeorgia advocates for the […]

July 19, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: All, Arts Ed, NEA

Federal Education Bill to Be Voted on in the House

Arts Advocacy alert: Legislation now being debated in Congress is key to arts education. Details and contact information below. Georgia students – smARTer than you think ArtsGeorgia advocates for the restoration of arts education programs, staff and funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts. Advocating “Strength Through Unity” at the local, state and […]

July 18, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: All, Americans for the Arts, Arts Ed

Congratulations! New Chair of the Georgia Council for the Arts

ArtsGeorgia congratulates J. Barry Schrenk on being named by Governor Nathan Deal as the new Chair of the Georgia Council for the Arts. Chairman Schrenk has been a member of the Arts Council for over two years and will now continue service in his new capacity. All of the new Council members appointed by Governor […]

July 12, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now!

State arts funding distributed by the GCA was just awarded to only 66 grantees for FY14 — plummeting from 888 awards in 2008. The majority of the recipients are organizations in metro Atlanta. This reduction is a direct result of a lack of state art funds and the related loss of NEA arts funding! Join […]

July 9, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Restore Arts Funding

Learning in a Visual Age: The Critical Importance of Visual Arts Education.

Learning in a Visual Age: The Critical Importance of Visual Arts Education. Four policy recommendations. ArtsGeorgia advocates for the restoration of arts education programs, staff and funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts. Advocating “Strength Through Unity” at the local, state and national level, ArtsGeorgia is Georgia’s strategic leader in arts advocacy, the […]

July 2, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: All, Arts Ed