Archive for the ‘All’ Category

Breaking News: Arts & Arts Educ. in early childhood education.

The “Strong Start for America’s Children Act” has been introduced in the Senate. The early childhood education proposal is an initiative to expand and improve early learning opportunities for children from birth to age 5. The legislation specifically mentions arts and arts education, listing “approaches to learning, including creative arts expression;” as one of […]

November 15, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Arts Ed

Advance Results from ‘Artists and Health Insurance’ Survey

Author: Sam Kaplan Advance Copy of Findings: Top level takeaways 1. US-based artists less likely to be insured than the general public. 2. Those who do have health insurance are more likely to be paying for an individual plan than the general public. 3. Of uninsured respondents, the vast majority – 88% – cite they […]

November 5, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Healthcare

A Practical Guide to Integrated Communications: A Workbook for Nonprofits

Want to master the tower of Babel? Want your direct mail, email, and newsletters and all the new channels you’ve adopted, like social media, multimedia, and blogs, to be synchronized? There’s a lot to think about when it comes to your organization’s messaging. Download this free work book for some integrated communications professional development.

October 25, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  · Posted in: All, Communications

Arts Advocacy – National Update

ArtsGeorgia is a National CoSponsor of AFTA’s Arts Advocacy Day attending the White House Briefing in April and following updates from the recent midyear conference call. ArtsGeorgia reports on arts education: Arts Education On June 11 and 12, the Senate education committee considered S.1094, the “Strengthening America’s Schools Act” introduced by Chairman Tom Harkin. The […]

October 14, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

ArtsGeorgia Celebrates National Arts & Humanities Month

For ARTStober, ArtsGeorgia offers an arts advocacy campaign and added resources on the website for the arts community: 1. The Campaign to Restore State State Arts Funding – The Time is Now! with advocacy tools. 2. Publication of the fall issue of ‘State of the Arts’ with articles about arts and education. 3. New ‘ArtsGeorgia […]

October 12, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

President Obama Proclaims National Arts & Humanities Month

The full text of the Presidential Proclamation at the link below.

October 11, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Advocacy, All

ArtsGeorgia Budget Proposal calls for an increase in state arts funding

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now! The ArtsGeorgia Budget Proposal calls for an increase in state arts funding at the link below. The Action Plan follows with steps YOU can take. Write Governor Deal to ask for an increase in state funding for the arts. The budget is being drafted now. To […]

October 10, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Restore Arts Funding

ArtsGeorgia Celebrates: National Arts & Humanities Month

October is National Arts and Humanities Month—the largest annual celebration for the arts and humanities in the nation! From an announcement before a performance or during an arts center open house, to securing a mayoral proclamation, or better newspaper coverage of the arts, people in every community across the United States can celebrate NAHM by […]

October 9, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags: ,  · Posted in: All, ArtsGeorgia, NEA

ARTS ADVOCACY || Save the date – Next Year’s Arts Advocacy Day is March 24-25, 2014 in Washington DC!

ArtsGeorgia[Advocacy-Communication-News-Arts Ed-Resources] Building “Strength Through Unity” by working for the arts community with innovation, determination, vision & leadership.

October 9, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All

Artists and the Affordable Care Act

A task force of musician & artist advocacy organizations are working together to help creatives learn more and take action on health care.

October 6, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Tags:  · Posted in: All, ArtsGeorgia