Archive for the ‘All’ Category

Mitt Romney Wants To Cut Pretty Much All Arts Spending

If the federal budget were an American high school, defense spending would be the football team — untouchable, un-cuttable, popular by default — and cultural spending would be the chess club — the wallflowers at the dance, constantly picked on and pushed aside in the hallways. What he told Fortune Magazine: Romney said that cutting […]

August 31, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Every Leader Is an Artist

Leaders as artists, the 12 artistic criteria for judging the art of particular leaders. If leadership is an art, and “creativity” is the most sought-after quality in the job market, maybe we should encourage leadership & creativity by beefing up arts education in our schools. Every Leader Is an Artist The connection between leadership […]

August 28, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Social Impact on the Arts Project resources: arts and social impact

Research focused on the relationship of the arts to community change, particularly in arts-based neighborhood revitalization and social inclusion strategies. SIAP resources: arts and social impact For those interested in learning more about the evaluation of arts and culture in urban neighborhoods, several case

August 11, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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ArtsGeorgia advocates for the full restoration of state arts funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts.

Governor Deal, state department heads and key legislators are about to draft next year’s state budget. YOU can help restore the art funds. Take action today, this weekend or in the days ahead with easy options: – Visit the AFTA CapWiz Ga Legislative Action Center – Link below – Join the Action-E list and subscribe to […]

August 10, 2012 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Restore Arts Funding

The arts need your help!

ArtsGeorgia advocates the full restoration of state funding for the Georgia Council for the Arts. The arts need your help! The Nat’l Assembly of State Arts Agencies data shows Georgia ranked 49th in per capita state funding for the arts. Arizona has none, but although the Arizona state arts agency receives no legislative appropriation, it […]

August 8, 2012 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Restore Arts Funding

Arts & Business – Business & Arts

“It is in the best interest of every business – no matter its size – to support the arts. Beyond their intrinsic value, the arts add to the economic vitality and quality of life of our communities. They also unleash creative ideas in and out of the workplace, foster dialogues and increase understanding among people.” […]

August 7, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Georgia could be next for the restoration of arts funding!

There’s arts advocacy work ahead…..Kansas, South Carolina, and Michigan have made a comeback and shown the way; Georgia can be better than dead last in the region and 49th in the U. S. State Arts Funding Begins Comeback Topeka, KS, USA. After years of budget cuts, state funding for the arts is making a […]

August 2, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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The Arts Education Field Guide

The Ecosystem of Partners, Players, and Policymakers in the Field of Arts Education It takes a village to provide a well-rounded education to every child. Use our new tool, The Arts Education Field Guide, to find the connections and partnerships that will strengthen arts education in your community. [more]

July 20, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Cuts are one thing — elimination is another.

Cuts are one thing — elimination is another. The battle is about elimination rather than cuts, but, it lets us make the case for why the state should provide increased funding for the arts.” “The arts are the golden goose, and we lay some pretty great eggs for our communities: economic impact, education, tourism, cultural understanding, […]

July 19, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Economic Data supports arts advocacy.

ARTSblog » Blog Archive » San Jose: The Arts at the Heart of Economic and Cultural Development

July 12, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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