Archive for the ‘All’ Category

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now!

The Georgia General Assembly convenes on Monday. It is time to send your letter in support of state arts funding to your local newspaper or TV station. Use the AFTA link; they make it easy. Send an Op Ed piece to your local media!

January 11, 2013 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: All, Restore Arts Funding

Reimagining our state arts council

ArtsGeorgia envisions a younger, more diverse arts council of experienced arts professionals and community activists engaged in educating our elected officials and corporate CEO’s about the economic contribution of the arts and the intrinsic value of the arts to every citizen and every Georgia community. A dynamic council known for leadership and initiative. ArtsGeorgia has […]

January 10, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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PUBLIC AWARENESS: 1- ArtWorks Custom license plate for the front of your car Depicts the arts, relevant to the arts, proceeds support the arts 2- Enjoy the Arts – Support the Arts bumper strips 3- Strength through Awareness ArtsGeorgia is an AFTA Arts Advocacy Day National Co-Sponsor Washington DC April 8-9, 2013. National […]

January 7, 2013 · admin · No Comments
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Vote Arts! Make your voice count!

Vote Arts! Make your voice count! Emerging Leaders in the Arts

November 6, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Arts Contribute to GDP

“Before this, you could look at pieces of the puzzle, now you can see the whole puzzle,” said NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman. “Our partnership with BEA gives the arts the same level of precise, national data on GDP as other sectors like manufacturing, construction, and services. I think economists and policymakers will take notice.” For […]

October 26, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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$17.9 Million for City of San Diego Arts Commission.

The amount given to the city’s Commission on Arts and Culture will increase by 129 percent to $17.9 million, according to the city’s Independent Budget Analyst. Arts advocates pushed for a formula to give the commission 1 percent of a special room tax fund. Their campaign was called “Penny for the Arts.” City Council Approves […]

October 23, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Governor Deal, state department heads and key legislators are drafting next year’s budget.

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now! Governor Deal, state department heads and key legislators are drafting next year’s budget. You can help. Take action today. – Visit the AFTA CapWiz Georgia Legislative Action Center at the Link below – Join the Action-E list – Write your state senator or house of representative […]

October 19, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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90% cut in art funds linked to 53% vacancy on Council.

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now! 90% cut in art funds linked to 53% vacancy on Council. There are more vacancies (17) than current members (15). Council members attendance, panel participation and statutory duties directly curtailed by lack of funds. Georgia Council for the Arts – Members

October 18, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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Georgia ranked last in South & U.S.

Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now! Georgia ranked last in South & U.S. The Facts: Southern States Legislative Arts Funding State Amount* Per Capita U.S. Rank… [see more] National Assembly of State Arts Agencies The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is the membership organization of the nation’s state and

October 16, 2012 · admin · No Comments
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L.A. Board OKs Measure to Step Up Arts Education

“For me, the issue of restoring and growing arts education and integrated arts instruction is a matter of social justice and educational equity,” said Nury Martinez, the LA school board member who authored the resolution, in a press release. L.A. Board OKs Measure to Step Up Arts Education Veteran Education Week reporters Catherine Gewertz […]

October 11, 2012 · admin · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: All, Arts Ed