Advocacy Tools Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now!
We find that the general welfare of the people of Georgia will be promoted by giving due recognition to the arts as a vital part of our culture and heritage; that the practice and the enjoyment of the arts are of increasing importance; that the arts are vital to our economic development, and that many of our citizens lack the opportunity to enjoy the arts due to the current recession and the resulting 85% cut to state funding of the arts, the elimination of support for programs supporting arts education in our schools and for maintaining our cultural heritage in the traditional arts.
We find that many of our citizens possess talents of an artistic and creative nature which are not currently utilized to the fullest extent; that restoration of state funding for the arts will create jobs and increase employment in the state by encouraging additional cultural activity throughout the state, thus utilizing the talents and abilities of many more citizens; and that the standards of artistic practices in all media in all areas of the economy will be protected and further improved by continuing encouragement and support.
We, therefore, support a declaration it be the public policy of this state to encourage the development of the arts, to increase with all deliberate speed the restoration of state arts funding, to have $1.00 per capita as a goal for arts funding, and to provide significant state support for the development and implementation of comprehensive arts education programs in all Georgia schools. ArtsGeorgia Declaration
February 6, 2013
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