Restore State Arts Funding – The Time is Now!
ArtsGeorgia is a sponsor of Georgia Arts Day next Tues morning, January 29th at the Georgia Capitol; we invite and encourage you to join us in persuading Governor Deal and our state legislators that the arts are essential to the economy, to the creation of jobs — that the arts have intrinsic value for Georgia’s citizens.
Join us in making the case to our elected officials that Georgia’s artists and local arts agencies are doing their part, that it is time for them to restore state arts funding and not to forfeit even more federal funding again this year like we have since the recession.
Advocacy tools including talking points are at the link below.
ArtsGeorgia has a strategy. ArtsGeorgia advocates for the restoration of state arts funding on or before the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Georgia Council for the Arts in 2015 and an increase in state arts funding to $1.00 per capita on or before the end of the decade.
ArtsGeorgia is a National CoSponsor of Arts Advocacy Day,
April 8 – 9, 2013 in Washington, D.C. National CoSponsors help shape the legislative platforms and messages for Arts Advocacy Day. Advocating “Strength Through Unity” at the local, state and national level, ArtsGeorgia continues to enhance its strategic leadership in arts advocacy, in the delivery of news and in providing communication options for the state arts community.
Join us Tuesday morning. TOGETHER – let’s make the case!!
January 25, 2013
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