Art Law in Georgia
Georgia has existing laws passed by the state legislature that are important to Georgia’s artists and arts organizations. This section includes those existing state laws with brief explanations. The laws that created and govern the Georgia Council for the Arts in 1986, the Georgia Arts Alliance in 2008, and that established the Georgia Art in State Buildings Program in 1981 are included below.
Local ordinances in certain Georgia cities relating to an artist’s home occupation status are included under the Artists section. Notice of new or pending arts legislation will be posted on the listserves with the legislation or links to the General Assembly website for the complete text and added here when enacted.
Georgia Limited Edition Reproduction Act (Section 10-1-430) 
Rights in Works of Fine Art (Section 10-1-510) 
Georgia Consignment of Art Act (Section 10-1-520) 
Art in State Buildings Program (Section 8-5-1) 
Georgia Council for the Arts (Former Statute 2011) 
Georgia Arts Alliance Act (Section 50-12-30) 
Georgia Museum Property Act (Section 10-1-529.1)  |