ARTS ALERT: Cuts to NEA Will Set Federal Support of Arts Back 40 Years!
On July 31, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee began consideration of the FY 2014 funding bill that calls for a 49% cut to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). This would bring funding of the NEA down to $75 million, a level not seen since 1974! The NEA funds grants in every congressional district in the country. A cut of this size would immediately end that ability to support the arts in all communities. The NEA supports funding in dance, design, folk & traditional arts, literature, local arts agencies, media arts, multidisciplinary, museums, music, musical theater, opera, presenting, theater, and visual arts.
ArtsGeorgia recommends the following:
1.Share your story of how NEA and NEH direct funding as well as indirect funding flowing from the state arts agencies have an important impact on your organization and the community you serve. Use our online media tool to contact your local media.
2.Make an appointment to meet with representatives of your Congressperson’s local district office in order to register concern about the FY 2014 Interior Appropriations bill. Look up the District Office info under the Member’s name.
3.If you haven’t sent an email to your House and Senate members on this issue yet, please do so at our Action Center. We will ask you to do it one more time in preparation for a floor vote in the fall.
4.Please post this alert to your friends on your social media in order to build national attention to this issue.
ArtsGeorgia is a National CoSponsor of Arts Advocacy Day helping to shape legislative platforms and messages on Arts Advocacy.
Advocating “Strength Through Unity” at the local, state and national level, ArtsGeorgia is the strategic leader in arts advocacy, delivery of the news and reliable communication options for the Georgia arts community. #artsga1
August 2, 2013
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Tags: legislation · Posted in: Advocacy, All, NEA
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